Results for 'Anatoliĭ Mykolaĭovych Makarov'

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  1. Chernihivsʹki Afiny.Anatoliĭ Mykolaĭovych Makarov (ed.) - 2002 - Kyïv: "Mystet︠s︡tvo".
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  2. Tochka otscheta.Anatoliĭ Sergeevich Makarov - 1976 - Moskva: Politizdat.
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    German Political Philosophy: Moral and Ethical Aspect.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:6-16.
    The article considers the issues of modern German political philosophy in accordance with its formation, institutionalization and development. Germany’s political philosophy is analyzed in terms of its interaction with social and practical philosophy. The text states that political philoso- phy belongs to both social philosophy and political science. As a political theory, it is a compo- nent of social theories institutionalized in the modern era. As a political philosophy, it appears as a metatheory of political theory. Political philosophy is also (...)
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    Social Philosophy in the Structure of Sociohumanities.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 5:6-22.
    In this article the author studies the place and the role of social philosophy in the architecture of the social sciences and humanities. The article focuses on the relationship between social philosophy, theory of society, theoretical sociology and social ethics. Based upon the application of the concept of paradigm in philosophy, the author shows key trends of the development of social sciences and humanities: the turn from the philosophy of conscience to the communication philosophy and the “rehabilitation of the practical (...)
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    The Accompanying Status of Morality by Kant.Anatolii Loy - forthcoming - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences.
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    Problems of Determining the Structure of the Principles of Legal Responsibility in Ukraine.Anatolii Ie Shevchenko, Serhii V. Kudin, Tetiana A. Frantsuz-Yakovets, Mykhaylo P. Kunytskyy & Nataliia A. Zahrebelna - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2485-2499.
    The relevance of the research problem is due to the need for theoretical justification for determining the structure of the principles of legal responsibility. The purpose of the article is to clarify the structure of the principles of legal responsibility in Ukraine. The leading methodological approach of the research is the structural-functional approach, which allows to consider the principles of legal responsibility as elements of the normative part of the legal system, which have their own functional purpose. The article defines (...)
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    The concept of rationality in the sociology of Max Weber and its impact on modern social sciences.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2021 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:37-56.
    The paper analyzes Max Weber’s concepts of rationality and rationalization as components of modernization processes in modern society. The author reconstructs Weber’s interpretation of “spiritual factors” of social development, which emerge in the ethos of Protestantism. The research demonstrates how Weber’s study of capitalism in terms of rationality corresponds with concepts of other classics of German sociology, such as Ferdinand Tönnies, Werner Sombart, Georg Simmel and others. The article emphasizes the relevance of Weber’s sociology for XX— XXI centuries and how (...)
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  8. (2 other versions)Filosofskiĭ slovarʹ.Anatolii Vasil Evich Ado & Ivan Timofeevich Frolov (eds.) - 1980 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  9. Sovershenno ne sekretno.Anatoliĭ Abramovich Agranovskiĭ - 1983 - Moskva: "Sov. Rossii︠a︡".
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  10. Pogovorim o sovesti.Anatoliĭ Aleksin - 1961
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  11. Russkiĭ otvet na evreĭskiĭ vopros.Anatoliĭ Bragin - 2007 - Moskva: Russkai︠a︡ Pravda.
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    Формування ринку землі в україні - реалії і перспективи розвитку.Anatolii Danylenko, Tetiana Sokolska & Olena Shust - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):10-16.
    In the research investigated the present state, conditions and possibilities on introduction the free circulation of agricultural land in Ukraine, highlighted the main problems of its development, analyzed experience of sale and lease of agricultural land in European countries. It is demonstrated the survey results of shareholders and agricultural producers in the two districts - Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region and Uman, Cherkassy region. The model of the agricultural land market should meet not only economic efficiency and expediency, but also contribute (...)
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    Consciousness as framework condition of psychological cognition and professional methodologization.Anatolii Furman - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):5-10.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ v globalʹnom mire.Anatoliĭ Alekseevich Gorelov - 2021 - Moskva: Letniĭ sad.
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    Features of the study of language as an aspect of religious consciousness.Anatolii S. Ivanchenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:19-28.
    The purpose of this article is to shed light on the peculiarities of language functioning in the structure of a person's religious consciousness. The article is an attempt to actualize and rethink some of the scientific methods of contemporary religious discipline in the light of new research in psychology and linguistics. Much has been done along the way. The most notable specialized work of recent years on this topic can be considered "Language and religion" by N.B. Mechkovskaya, which was released (...)
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  16. Класифікація роздрібного банківського кредитування.Anatolii Kharchenko - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):36-41.
    Competition in retail banking lending forces banks to constantly analyze the proposed loan products and loan products to competitors, to develop and introduce new versions of products, improve existing conditions, taking into account the changing needs of the population, the provision of new social groups of potential borrowers, uses of credit and other factors. In the process, the banks are increasingly collaborating with sales, service, insurance and other organizations providing credit in conjunction with other services. The specificity of the emergence (...)
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    Ret︠s︡eptivno-germenevticheskiĭ podkhod v literaturovedenii: ocherki istorii, teorii i metodologii: uchebnoe posobie dli︠a︡ studentov filologicheskikh fakulʹtetov universitetov.Anatoliĭ Viktorovich Lashkevich - 1994 - Izhevsk: Udmurtskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  18. Soy︠s︡ialʹno-istoricheskoe soderzhanie kategoriĭ "Vremi︠a︡" i "Prostranstvo".Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich Loĭ - 1978
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  19. Iskusstvo v sovremennoĭ ideologicheskoĭ borʹbe.Oleg Alekseevich Makarov - 1975 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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    Analiticheskoe estestvoznanie.Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich Panchenkov - 2008 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Krasnyĭ Okti︠a︡brʹ.
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    Ukrainian Fundamental Science – an Intellectual Factor in Shaping the Traditions and Values of European Civilization.Anatolii Pavko - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):26-31.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This scientific investigation conducts a constructive-critical, comprehensive, and systematic analysis of the state, paradigms, and trends in the development of Ukrainian and European fundamental science. It highlights, at a synthetic level, the epistemological and social functions, historical mission, and vision of domestic science in shaping the traditions and values of European culture. The article draws attention to the significant contributions made by domestic scientists to the research of theoretical-methodological, epistemological, and (...)
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  22. Kurs lekt︠s︡iĭ po logike nauki.Anatoliĭ Ilʹich Rakitov - 1971 - "Vyssh. Shkola".
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    Freedom, determinism, indeterminism.Anatoliĭ I. Shpakovskiĭ - 1963 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
  24. Rolʹ analogii v poznanii: na materialakh istoricheskogo i pravovogo issledovanii︠a︡.Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich Starchenko - 1961 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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    Zanimatelʹnai︠a︡ i︠u︡risprudent︠s︡ii︠a︡.Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich Tille - 2000 - Moskva: Galart.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ pryrody: monohrafii︠a︡.Anatoliĭ Tolstoukhov (ed.) - 2006 - Kyïv: Parapan.
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    Li︠u︡dyna v labirynti perspektyv.Anatoliĭ Tolstoukhov (ed.) - 2004 - Kyïv: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ Parapan.
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  28. Metodychnyĭ posibnyk z filosofiĭ.Anatoliĭ Fedorovich Zotov (ed.) - 1969
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  29.  15
    The Idea of Patriarchate of the UGCC in the Ukrainian Diaspora on the Eve of the Second Vatican Council.Anatolii Babynskyi - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:71-87.
    The article covers the development of the idea of ​​patriarchal status in 1945-1962 within the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the diaspora, focusing mainly on the third wave of Ukrainian emigration. After the Second World War, about 250,000 Ukrainian refugees found themselves in Western Europe, from where in 1947-1955, they moved to the countries of North and South America, Western Europe and Australia. The growing role of the Church, which continued to play a significant role in their lives after their (...)
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    Russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ XIX veka o meste Rossii v mirovoĭ kulʹture: monografii︠a︡.Anatoliĭ Viktorovich Belov - 2018 - Rostov-na-Donu: I︠U︡zhnyĭ federalʹnyĭ universitet. Edited by V. D. Bakulov.
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  31. Ėto kasaetsi︠a︡ vsekh.Anatoliĭ Alekseevich Bezuglov - 1956
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  32. Sot︠s︡ializm--sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ spravedlivostʹ i ravenstvo.Anatoliĭ Pavlovich Butenko (ed.) - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Theoretical Problems of Perfecting the New Order.Anatolii P. Butenko - 1988 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):29-47.
    One of the distinctive features of the Twenty-seventh Congress of the CPSU was the extreme attention devoted to the theoretical and practical problems of perfecting socialism. Guided by Marxist-Leninist theory, the Congress underscored particularly that fidelity to this theory consists not in repeating the classical postulates and conclusions of Marxism, but in its creative development on the basis of accumulated experience. The Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the Twenty-seventh Congress contained the following statement by Lenin: "'Our theory (...)
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  34. Rasskazy o filosofakh.Anatoliĭ Ivanovich Dombrovskiĭ - 1975
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  35. Osnovy ėsteticheskogo vospitanii︠a︡: Ycheb. posobne dli︠a︡ red. vuzov.Anatoliĭ Kuz'mich Dremov & G. L. Abramovich (eds.) - 1975 - Mockba: Vyssh. shkola.
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  36. Opisanie i obʺi︠a︡snenie.Anatoliĭ Ilʹich Mailov - 1969 - Edited by Khasanov, Marks Khusainovich & [From Old Catalog].
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    The socio-cultural and philosophical origins of science.Anatoliĭ Nazirov - 2020 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Ivan Zhavoronkov.
    The Socio-Cultural and Philosophical Origins of Science discusses the formation of spiritual culture and reveals the prerequisites for the developments of philosophy (reflection), science (objectification), religion (spirituality), and art (conventionality) from a common root: animistic thinking. Philosophy emerges as reflexive thinking which transforms the animistic into the ideal, the polarization of which into a subject-object relation becomes the basis for the emergence and development of science. The study shows that any new thought in culture that answers the question of being (...)
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    Tri rozhdenii︠a︡ cheloveka: baĭkalʹskie vstrechi.Anatoliĭ Nekrasov - 2011 - Moskva: T︠S︡entrpoligraf.
    В книге Некрасов помогает людям осознать важность психологического и духовного рождения. В ней приведены откровенные беседы с реальными людьми, которые с болью и слезами рассказывали о своей жизни.
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  39. Zhivye mysli.Anatoliĭ Nekrasov - 2014 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo AST.
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  40. Filosofii︠a︡: osnovnye idei i print︠s︡ipy: populi︠a︡rnyĭ ocherk.Anatoliĭ Ilʹich Rakitov (ed.) - 1985 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  41. Kritika sovremennykh nemarksistskikh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ filosofii nauki.Anatoliĭ Ilʹich Rakitov (ed.) - 1987 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  42. Ob aksiome prostogo kategoricheskogo sillogizma.Anatoliĭ Vasilʹevich Romanov - 1961
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  43. Filosofskie melochi.Anatoliĭ Ignatʹevich Shpakovskiĭ - 1935
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    Розвиток Системи Професійного Навчання Державних Службовців В Умовах Європейської Інтеграції.Anatolii Sopilka - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (2):142-149.
    У статті проаналізовано основні підходи щодо організації професійного розвитку державних службовців. З’ясовано, що одним із основних складових елементів реформи державного управління в частині модернізації державної служби та управління людськими ресурсами визначено реформу системи професійного навчання державних службовців, зокрема шляхом впровадження сучасної цілісної, мобільної та гнучкої системи професійного навчання державних службовців з розвинутою інфраструктурою та належним ресурсним забезпеченням, яка орієнтована на розвиток компетентностей та потреби в професійному розвитку державних службовців. Окреслено основні досягнення реформи системи професійного розвитку, зокрема: сформовано правове поле забезпечення (...)
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    Platon i platonizm v rosiĭsʹkiĭ relihiĭniĭ filosofiï druhoï polovyny XIX--pochatku XX stolitʹ.Anatoliĭ Heorhiĭovych Tykholaz - 2002 - Kyïv: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ PARAPAN.
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    Hryhorii Skovoroda’s Socratic Dialogue in the Context of Modern Philosophy.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2022 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 9:2-18.
    This article explores the creative work of Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda from the standpoint of the leading trends in contemporary philosophic thought: a communicative turn in philosophy, neo-Socratic dialogue, and ethics of discourse. Skovoroda’s philosophy is interpreted not only in line with the ‘know yourself’ principle as a method of cognition, but, first of all, within the Socratic dialogue dimension when the methods of maieutics and elentics are used for joint searching for truth and solving moral problems. Skovoroda did not reduce (...)
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    The role of artificial intelligence and algorithms in the working conditions formation.Anatolii P. Getman, Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Olga O. Dmytryk, Oleksii Y. Tykhonovych & Dmytro V. Hryn - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the impact of artificial intelligence on the formation of working conditions in various fields of activity. By analyzing both general trends and specific examples, we will reveal how AI is helping to optimize workflows, change professional skills, and create new jobs. In addition, the article highlights the key benefits of using AI, including increased productivity and efficiency, automation of routine tasks, and improved workplace safety. We will also focus on the (...)
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    Anthropologization of Descartes’ basic project in contemporary history of philosophy.Anatolii Malivskyi - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):51-62.
    The author of the paper believes that the unfinished character of Descartes’ philosophical doctrine makes possible underestimation and distorted reception of the basic intention of his meditation concentrated on the problem of human being. This results in spreading the position of technomorphism regarding the doctrine in general and, particularly, the reduction of Des-cartes’ anthropological project to physiology and medicine. Today’s research literature de-monstrates significant shifts in the methodology of the history of philosophy. This makes possible deeper understanding of Descartes’ purpose (...)
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  49. Rolʹtekhniki v razvitii sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo proizvodstva.Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich Efimov - 1955
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  50. O reakt︠s︡ionnoĭ sushchnosti sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėstetiki.Anatoliĭ Grigorʹevich Egorov - 1961
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